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ENGTalk: Electromicrobiology — A New Frontier in Interdisciplinary Research
ENGTalk: The Design of Nanoscale Polyvalent Therapeutics
Interdisciplinary research in the fight against antimicrobial resistance
Derek Lovley: Happy Together: Microbial Communities that Hook Up to Swap Electrons
ARPA-E Snapshot
Secret Molecule In Bacteria That Exhale Electricity [ With Subtitles ]
Electrofuels May Be Most Efficient
"The Nexus" Interdisciplinary Research Conference 5 OCT 13
Yuri Gorby, PhD, Public Forum - 11/12/13
Bacteria that eat metal have been discovered in dirty glassware.
"Triple Divide" discussion w/ filmmakers Melissa Troutman and Josh Pribanic
Dr. YURY GORBY, Nuclear Waste Expert , on HB 4411